Identify the Factors Affecting our Perspective in Communication?

Perspective in Communication – A communication perspective focuses on the way in which our messages are shared among individuals and groups. In our daily life there are different viewpoints in communication that occurs. These viewpoints affect our social, political and cultural issues. These practices are created through language and symbol, the construction of messages, and their … Read more

Releasing stress through vacation-

Vacation can help you relieve stress in the following ways: •Fresh air and sunshine are good for our health. Fresh air increases oxygen in our blood and in turn, gives us more energy. Sunshine is a mood elevator and can help people ward off depression. •Play and relaxation are perfect ways to decrease tension. Whether … Read more

Stress Management Techniques-

Now that we know the effects that stress can do to you, getting started on a stress management method is necessary. Managing your stress helps you regain control over your life, instead of being consumed by the amount of stress you had to deal with. Here is how you can get started: •Determine what causes … Read more

Self-Management Skills-II

In an organization or in any workplace people work according to certain rules and regulation. Self-management skill is one of the best management practices for those people who have decided to become more productive employees. For example, consider the following cases: • Your class teacher or subject teacher. How he/she manages a class, co-workers, school … Read more