Applications of Artificial Intelligence

In today’s world. Artificial Intelligence is progressing rapidly not only in commercial and scientific application areas but also in our daily life applications. Personal healthcare assistants can act as life coaches, reminding you to take your medicines, do exercises or take nutritious diet. Artificial Intelligence techniques have full potential of data to solve some of our greatest health challenges. Deep learning and object recognition can be used to diagnose cancer on medical images with better accuracy. Artificial Intelligence provides virtual shopping capabilities with personalised recommendations and purchase options. It amplifies the speed, precision and effectiveness of human efforts.

Artificial Intelligence automates repetitive learning tasks using techniques like discovery through data. This replaces automated manual tasks into frequent, high-volume and computerised tasks which are very reliable and do not cause any fatigue. It adapts through progressive learning algorithms to allow the data develop programs. Through Artificial Intelligence, a program can teach itself to play chess and it can also teach itself what product to recommend next for online shopping. With the help of deep neural networks. Artificial Intelligence achieves incredible accuracy. For instance, interactions with Google Search Engine and Alexa program are based on deep learning. All such Artificial Intelligence programs keep getting more accurate, the more you use them.

Various applications of Artificial Intelligence can be grouped into the following categories.

• Natural Language Processing

•Expert Systems


• Speech Recognition

• Computer Vision

• Neural Networks

Let’s discuss these areas of application of Artificial Intelligence briefly.

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an important area of Artificial Intelligence deals with the use of methods which enable effective communication between humans and computers in natural language. Using NLP , it is possible to interact with the computer that understands natural language spoken by humans. A common example of NLP is communicating with computers on an Internet’s search engine such as Google in different languages while searching some Information. Some of the other examples of NLP are speech recognition, automatic voice Output and Google Now. Multilingual translation is also a part of NLP which is used to translate a sentence using a computer program such as Google Translator.

Expert Systems

Expert Systems are Artificial Intelligence programs that have the abilities to solve problems or do tasks at an expert level in specific fields such as medicine, surgery, manufacturing, transportation, product/service recommendation and financial consultation. They amalgamate machine, software and special Information to communicate reasoning and advising. They also provide explanation and advice to the users. Some common examples of expert systems used nowadays are self-driven or driver-less cars, driver-less metros. Flight-tracking system. Clinical system, medical diagnostic system, surgical expert system, smart city system and financial Investment expert programs.


Robotics is the most exciting and popular field of Artificial Intelligence that is concerned with manufacturing and development of Artificial Intelligent machines which can see, talk, walk, think and work like human beings, called robots. There are many types of robots used nowadays which mainly include Industrial robots, service robots, surgical robots, army robots, security robots and disaster management robots.

Robots perform the tasks given by a human through sensors to detect physical data such as light, heat, temperature, pressure, movement and sound from the real world. They have efficient processors and huge memory to exhibit intelligence. They can learn from their mistakes and adapt to the new environment. They are used for various purposes like exploration, transportation, navigation Industrial automation, agriculture, fishing, mining. Sanitation, construction, military, security and household tasks. Some of the common examples of Industrial applications where robots are generally used are transportation, movement ,spraying, painting, precision checking, drilling, cleaning, coating, and carving.

Robotics has transformed Industrial and many other applications requiring dull, repetitive, dangerous and difficult tasks. It is enabling powerful solutions in many fields, including manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, defence, medicine, environmental monitoring and In-home activities. A special area of robotic application is autonomous transportation such as robotic taxi systems currently pursued by many companies and self-driven mobile systems such as trucks, boats, agricultural equipment, golf carts, delivery vehicles and wheelchairs. Robotics is very much contributing to scientific discovery areas by traveling to places such as space, deep oceans and the interior of active volcanos where humans cannot go easily. Driverless cars, robotic surgery and use of robots in warehouses for movement of goods are other typical examples of robotics.

Speech Recognition

Speech Recognition is the ability of a computer to understand and respond to the natural language. The Artificial Intelligence technology is used for the following purposes.

• Convert vocabulary content in human speech in computer readable form.

•Convert from spoken language to a written form.

•Translate from one natural language to another natural language.

• Understand speech.

• Answer users questions.

• Act as smart speakers and smart home appliances.

•Use voice evaluation devices.

•Have Intelligent voice interaction with patients by smart doctors.

 The Speech Recognition system works in the following way.

•The user input spoken at a microphone gets transferred to sound card of the system.

•The converter changes the analog signal into equivalent digital signal for the speech processing.

•The database is used to compare the patterns to recognise the words.

•In reverse, a feedback is given to the database.

•Source-language text is converted to the target language text.

 The objective of voice recognition is to recognise the person who is speaking by analysing mainly her/his tone, voice pitch and accent.

Computer Vision

Computer Vision is a science of using cameras and computers instead of human eyes for identifying, tracking and measuring machine vision with graphic processing capabilities. Some common applications of Computer Vision in Artificial Intelligence are security monitoring and criminal tracking used in policing, corporate security departments and defence services.

Neural Networks

Neural Networks work on the principle similar to human nerve cells. They are actually a series of programs that captures the relationship between various underlying variables and processes the data in a similar way as a human brain does .Neural Networks can detect frauds in their early stages as they can scan extensive quantities of transactions quickly and classify them according to their trustworthiness. Some of the common uses of Neural Networks are pattern recognition for identifying pictures, text and handwriting. The handwriting recognition software reads the text written on paper or computer screen using a pen or a stylus. It can also recognise the shapes of the letters and converts it into a word processing text.

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