Cyber Ethics Class 10th notes

1 .Explain the ethical issues that can arise in e-commerce. Some general ethical issues that can arise in e-commerce are – Spamming: Unsolicited commercial email, sent or broadcasted by individual trying to get people’s financial information, such as credit card details, is known as spam. The individual who sends such spam is known as a … Read more

Applications of Artificial Intelligence

In today’s world. Artificial Intelligence is progressing rapidly not only in commercial and scientific application areas but also in our daily life applications. Personal healthcare assistants can act as life coaches, reminding you to take your medicines, do exercises or take nutritious diet. Artificial Intelligence techniques have full potential of data to solve some of … Read more

Types of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence can be classified into the following three types. ●Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) [Dedicated for One task] ●Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)  [Behaves like Human] ●Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) [Intelligent than human] Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) is the most common form of Artificial Intelligence. It is designed to solve one single … Read more

Artificial intelligence and data science

Artificial intelligence Intelligence We may define intelligence as the ability of a person. An animal or even a machine to interact with the real world by perceiving, understanding and acting to solve problems, plan and make decisions in different situations under different circumstances. Some of the examples of intelligence are as follows. • Understanding, recognising … Read more